Les Oeuvres de Monsieur de Voiture, Nouvelle Edition. Paris: Chez la Veuve F. Mauger, 1691.

An Authentic Account of An Embassy From The King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China by George Staunton. Two Volumes in One. Philadelphia: Printed for Robert Campbell by John Bioren, 1799.

Descrittione Dell'Isola D'islanda [by] Di Tomaso Porcacchi 1620 One of the most beautifully engraved Italian island books of the sixteenth century, "L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo" [The most famous islands of the world] by Thomas Porcacchi (1530 - 1585) and engraved by Girolamo Porro. The first edition of this work was published in Venice in 1572.

The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren by David Cranz, translated by Benjamin LaTrobe. London, 1780.

La Fontaine FABLES CHOISES, mises en vers par M. De la Fontaine. Paris, 1778.
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