Sidney, Philip, Sir.
The works of the Honourable Sr. Philip Sidney, Kt.,
in prose and verse : in three volumes : containing,
I. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.
II. The defense of poesy.
III. Astrophel and Stella.
IV. The remedy of love; sonnets, &c.
V. The Lady of May : a masque.
VI. The life of the author.
3 vols. 14th edition. London
Printed for E. Taylor, A. Bettesworth, E. Curll, W. Mears, and R. Gosling, 1725.
Brown University Library

Elementos Euclid
Venecia, 1482 (Venice?)
Unknown Author
In 1509 Luca Paccioli published a Latin translation of Euclid's Elements.

Martin Luther. An den Christlichenn Adel deutscher Nation: von des Christlichen standes besserung. Durch yhn selbs gemehret vnd corrigirt. Wittenberg, 1520.
This copy is a second printing of a revised edition issued in the same year as the original.
From Harvard University Divinity School Library
Considered to be one of Luther's greatest Reformation treatises, in it he asserts his doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, challenges exclusive papal authority to interpret Scripture and to sanction councils, and calls on the secular nobility to reform the church. He then adds a list of particular ecclesiastical abuses that a reforming council should address. Written in June 1520 and first published in August of that year, it was one of the significant works that led to Luther's excommunication in early January 1521.

George Bickham c.1704-1771
Between 1750 and 1754 George Bickham, a noted penman and engraver, produced a series of maps. These were an exception to the orthodox style of map-making in that they were finely engraved picturesque views of the counties from a high vantage point and annotated with the names of towns and villages where he estimated their locations to be. With no attempt at accuracy these maps are nevertheless very appealing in their idealised depiction of the 18th. Century landscape. In 1796 they were re-issued as 'A Curious Collection of Bird's-eye Views'.
They are now quite rare.

Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad, variorum. With the prolegomena of Scriblerus. London, A. Dob, 1729.
Brown University Library

Title Page to The Twelfth Night,
from the Second Folio of William Shakespeare, 1632
Lupton Library, Univ of Tennessee at Chattanooga
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